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Verwirrung in Villach 
15. & 16. Dezember 2023Wo: Parkcafé, Moritschstraße 2, 9500 Villach

Forming empathy for dementia
Symposium 2020
26.11.2020, 10:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m
5. Dezember 2023
Wo: Bambergsaal, Business Center Villach, Moritschstraße 2

Wann: 19—21 Uhr
Ausdruck Marmeladenglas_3.jpg
@Universität für AngewandteKunst, Wien 29.09.2023
OIS zam: Forum für Gesundheit und Wohlbefinden 2023@Johannes Kepler Universität, Linz 22.-23.09.2023
rollator parade
Citywalk @U2 Taborstrasse, Vienna
08/08/2023 12:00

At the end of our exhibition in the RedCarpet Showroom/ U2 Taborstraße, a rollator parade will take place on August 8th, 2023 at 12 p.m.

We go from Taborstraße (U2 exit lifts, street level) to Vorderen Zollamtsstraße 7 (University of Applied Arts).

You can join them at any time along the route. It doesn't have to go all the way.

DEMEDARTS Dementia. empathy Education. Arts.
Exhibition @Red Carpet Showroom, U2 Taborstrasse, Vienna
02/23/2023 - 03/05/23


 Opening Tuesday, June 13, 2023, at 1 p.m. 

Why shouldn't rollators be provided with a quote from Thonet, the Campana brothers, a Max Bill or other design greats? Why shouldn't rollators remind users of their hobbies in a haptic, visual and olfactory way? “The exhibits shown in the exhibition are examples of critical design to demonstrate the flaw in the design of – in this case rollators – used by a large and ever-growing target group. The right to self-determined and self-confident aesthetics is demanded and aging is shown with its funny, funny and crazy appearances. ", Mateus-Berr explains the subject and background. The show also includes an interactive invitation to design rollators yourself, which can be used by people with and without dementia.

DEMEDARTS Dementia. empathy Education. Arts.
Exhibition @Gallery on the river, Bad Ischl
06/25/2023 - 07/10/2023

Exhibition: DEMEDARTS Dementia. empathy Education. Arts.
Time: Opening, Sunday, June 25, 2023 at 11 a.m

Location: AM FLUSS Gallery, Hasnerallee 2, 4820 Bad Ischl


Panel discussion with 

Ruth Mateus-Berr, artistic researcher, University of Applied Arts Vienna

Ines Schiller, Mayor of Bad Ischl

Doris Kasberger, nursing scientist with a focus on gerontology 

Margret Kritzinger, Regional Manager FH Health Professions Upper Austria

Moderator: D. Nentwich, Ischler Woche


Time: June 26, 6:30 p.m

Location: Old Kurdirektion, 4820 Bad Ischl


Photos for download can be found

Ruth Mateus-Berr
Interview@Online Symposium
May 19-27, 2023

Main topic: The arts as bridges into the lifeworlds of people with dementia: visual arts, music, theatre, literature - and humour.

Join us on a journey to a new understanding of dementia! Feel invited to a change of perspective that can change your life!
In over 30 video interviews, further information on the subject of dementia and a lively online community.

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Panel discussion with
Ruth Mateus-Berr

@MuseumsQuartier, Vienna
DEMEDARTS Dementia. empathy Education. Arts.
Exhibition @Artisthouse, Vienna
02/23/2023 - 03/05/23

How can we meet the growing challenges that dementia poses to our society? 

DEMEDARTS, Dementia.Empathy.Education.Arts. has set itself the task of sensitizing society to the topic of dementia. 

In the exhibition of the same name, we provide insights into our artistic research work and show the results and findings of the project.

Demedarts develops artistic-research, art-didactic strategies and works with experts from the fields of art, science, education (schools, universities), art therapy, health and care.

DEMEDARTS consists of a team of art, music, dance and design educators, artists, teachers, multimedia art therapists, authors, designers and performers. 


DEMEDARTS is an artistic research project of the Center for Didactics for Art and Interdisciplinary Teaching at the University of Applied Arts Vienna and funded by PEEK, a program of the FWF (fund for the promotion of scientific research) for the development and exploration of the arts: A-609 PEEK.

Duration: February 2020 – October 2023

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Symposia Interdisziplinär Kreisen@University of Applied Arts Vienna
2023 Febuary 16th

On February 16, 2023, the Demedarts project presented itself as part of the event “Interdisciplinary Circles”, an event of the Center for Didactics for Art and Interdisciplinary Teaching (applied subject didactics: interdisciplinary circles)

before. In addition to the presentation of workshops, exhibitions and events, the focus was on interdisciplinary cooperation between different artistic disciplines and working with the target groups.

Let's talk about ageing
Multidisciplinary Congress on Age Eventqualia@Oporto, Portugal
11/11/2022 - 11/12/22

On November 11th and 12th, 2022, the project team was represented at the symposium "Talking about aging". It was a hybrid symposium on aging. The Demedarts project was presented live via an online program of the organization. In addition, the graphic novel “Trubel im Jamjar”, which is currently in process, was exhibited as a poster and as an audio file in an online gallery.

School workshops@Kölblgasse, Vienna
04/11/2022 - 19/01/2023

During our tour, we consciously perceive the path and our surroundings to evoke memories and associations, recorded via audio. Mdw students will create their own compositions from the audios. The City Walk is part of the artistic research project DEMEDARTS Dementia.Empathy.Education.Arts and is funded by PEEK, a programme of the FWF (Fund for the Promotion of Scientific Research) for the development and accessibility of the arts: A-609 PEEK.

Meeting point: Infopoint, Oskar Kokoschka-Platz 2, 1010 Vienna

contact: +43 650 714 09 80

Please register to

The city walk is part of the Angewandte Festival

Audible memories on the way

@ Angewandte Festival
Wednesday 2021June 30th 
5:00 - 6:30pm

During our tour, we consciously perceive the path and our surroundings to evoke memories and associations, recorded via audio. Mdw students will create their own compositions from the audios. The City Walk is part of the artistic research project DEMEDARTS Dementia.Empathy.Education.Arts and is funded by PEEK, a programme of the FWF (Fund for the Promotion of Scientific Research) for the development and accessibility of the arts: A-609 PEEK.

Meeting point: Infopoint, Oskar Kokoschka-Platz 2, 1010 Vienna

contact: +43 650 714 09 80

Please register to

The city walk is part of the Angewandte Festival

Audible memories on the way

@ Angewandte Festival
Wednesday 2021June 30th 
5:00 - 6:30pm
Klangwelt ab 65. 
Donnerstags 11 - 12 Uhr,

Start am 10. März 2022, only in German

Music touches people and takes us on a journey where there is space for many associations and experiences. The weekly course is an immersion into the world of music, an experience of a wide variety of music with singing, making music and movement. He gives the opportunity to play instruments that one always wanted to try and can now rediscover. Participation is unconditional, possible for everyone. People with and without dementia make music in the group.

Dates: 10.03. | 03/17 | 03/24 | 03/31 | 07.04. | 04/28 | 05.05. | 12.05. | 05/19 | 02.06. | 09.06. | 23.06.

Venue: University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna at the Center for Elementary Music Making | 1030 Vienna, Lothringer Strasse 18 | Room 218

Inquiries and telephone contact: 0650 / 2202060

Information and registration:

Costs: Course fee € 100 per semester

Audible memories on the way

@ Angewandte Festival
Wednesday 2021June 30th 
5:00 - 6:30pm
City Walk.jpg
Audible memories on the way

@ Angewandte Festival
Wednesday 2021June 30th 
5:00 - 6:30pm

During our tour, we consciously perceive the path and our surroundings to evoke memories and associations, recorded via audio. Mdw students will create their own compositions from the audios. The City Walk is part of the artistic research project DEMEDARTS Dementia.Empathy.Education.Arts and is funded by PEEK, a programme of the FWF (Fund for the Promotion of Scientific Research) for the development and accessibility of the arts: A-609 PEEK.

Meeting point: Infopoint, Oskar Kokoschka-Platz 2, 1010 Vienna

contact: +43 650 714 09 80

Please register to

The city walk is part of the Angewandte Festival

Stadtspaziergang Stadtpark 2021_0528.jpg

In a small group we would like to wander through the beautifully landscaped recreational area in the center of Vienna, explore it and start a conversation. The park offers picturesque flora with meadows and bodies of water as well as monuments and sculptures. The city park was Vienna's first public park and was opened in 1862. The park can awaken memories or simply be viewed from the present. We want to ask ourselves questions like: Which sounds and songs come through your mind? Which memories emerge and which associations? Are there any anchor points that make you feel positive? We want to record their stories on sound carriers and develop them artistically.

Meeting point: 10 am at the flower shops on the corner of Parkring / Weiskirchnerstraße.

Inquiries and telephone contact: +43 650 714 09 80

Please register via

Attention, limited number of participants (6-12 people)

The walk takes place as part of the Neighborhood Day.

City walk.
City Park

Remembering and associating Friday May 28th, 2021, 10: 00-11: 30
Forming empathy for dementia
Symposium 2020
26.11.2020, 10:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m

Since March 2020 - ongoing
once a month,
Wednesdays 6:00 p.m.

Across generations.

These workshops bring schoolchildren, students, people with dementia, carers and relatives together and focus on a cross-generational exchange through person-centered approaches and artistic research methods.

If you want to receive our newsletter, please leave us your email below and hit the apply button.

Thanks very much!

© 2020-2023 Demedarts.  A-609 PEEK. Funded by PEEK, a program of the Austrian Science Fund FWF (Fonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung). 

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