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The over-65s will soon be among the main residents of European cities. Insurance companies, city planning and administrations must prepare for this. The built environment, products and services need to be adapted and designed accordingly. As society ages, so does the number of people with disabilities and permanent or temporary disabilities. Dealings and products for the so-called silver generation and for people with dementia are the provocative focus of the rollator parade and location of the rollators in the red carpet showroom U2 Taborstraße. So far, solutions for the inclusion of these users have received little attention.


DEMEDARTS is an artistic research project funded by the Scientific Research Fund (FWF PEEK AR 609). DEMEDARTS aims to develop empathy for dementia with artistic methods and mediation formats. 


Design for rollators as an example
Why shouldn't rollators be provided with a quote from Thonet, the Campana brothers, a Max Bill or other design greats? Why shouldn't rollators remind users of their hobbies in a haptic, visual and olfactory way? “The exhibits shown in the exhibition represent examples of critical design to demonstrate the lack in the design of – in this case rollators – used by a large and ever-growing target group. The right to self-determined and self-confident aesthetics is demanded and aging is shown with its funny, funny and crazy appearances. ", Mateus-Berr explains the subject and background. The show also includes an interactive invitation to design rollators yourself, which can be used by people with and without dementia.



Exhibition: DEMEDARTS. dementia. empathy Education. Arts.
Time: Opening June 13, 2023, Wednesday at 9:30 am 
Duration of the exhibition: June 13, 2023 to August 08, 2023
Location: Red Carpet Showroom, U2 Taborstrasse



credits: Janina Lenz

credits: Janina Lenz

credits: Janina Lenz

credits: Janina Lenz

credits: Janina Lenz

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© 2020-2023 Demedarts.  A-609 PEEK. Funded by PEEK, a program of the Austrian Science Fund FWF (Fonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung). 

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